What are the steps to make your baby walk?

Apr 22, 2024

What are the steps to make your baby walk?

The ability to walk is a significant milestone in a baby's development, marking the transition from infancy to toddlerhood. It signifies not just physical growth but also cognitive and motor skill development. While every baby develops at their own pace, there are steps you can take as a parent to encourage and support them on their journey to walking independently. In this guide, we'll explore various activities and techniques to help your little one take those first steps confidently and buildup physical strength in leg muscles.

Cruising Along Furniture

Cruising is a natural progression in your baby's journey to walking independently. It involves side-stepping while holding onto furniture or other stable objects for support. This activity not only helps build leg strength and balance but also boosts your baby's confidence in their ability to move around.

Benefits of Cruising:

  • Strengthens leg muscles: Cruising requires your baby to support their weight and move sideways, which helps develop muscles necessary for walking.

  • Improves balance: By learning to balance while cruising, your baby prepares for the challenges of walking.

  • Enhances coordination: Cruising encourages coordination between the upper and lower body, a skill essential for walking.

Safety Tips for Furniture Cruising:

  • Ensure that the furniture or object your baby is holding onto is stable and secure.

  • Clear the surrounding area of any sharp or dangerous objects.

  • Supervise your baby closely to prevent falls or accidents.

  • Encourage your baby to cruise on both sides to develop balanced strength.

By encouraging and supporting your baby's cruising efforts, you can help them transition from crawling to walking with confidence.

Supporting Your Baby's Trunk

Trunk support plays a crucial role in helping your baby maintain stability and confidence while learning to walk. Providing adequate support for your baby's trunk can aid in the development of balance and coordination, essential skills for walking.

Importance of Trunk Support:

  • Stability: Trunk support helps your baby maintain an upright position, allowing them to focus on learning to move their legs and feet.

  • Confidence: Feeling secure in their body's ability to stay upright can boost your baby's confidence as they explore their surroundings.

  • Development: Trunk support encourages the development of core muscles, which are essential for posture and overall movement.

Ways to Provide Trunk Support:

  • Use pillows or cushions to prop your baby up in a sitting position, allowing them to practice sitting without falling over.

  • Provide support while your baby is on their tummy by placing a small rolled-up towel under their chest, helping them lift their head and chest off the floor.

  • Use a supportive high chair or baby seat during meal times to encourage good posture and trunk control.

By offering appropriate trunk support, you can help your baby feel more secure and confident as they progress towards independent walking.

Providing Objects for Support

Encouraging your baby to hold onto objects while standing or cruising can provide valuable support and help develop balance and stability. This activity not only strengthens muscles but also boosts confidence in their ability to move independently.

Benefits of Holding Onto Objects:

  • Balance and Stability: Holding onto objects helps your baby maintain balance while standing or cruising.

  • Muscle Development: Gripping objects strengthens your baby's hand and arm muscles, which are essential for motor skills development.

  • Confidence: Holding onto objects gives your baby a sense of security, encouraging further exploration of their environment.

Safe and Appropriate Objects:

  • Lightweight toys or soft blocks that are easy for your baby to grip.

  • Sturdy furniture, such as a low, stable table or a couch, for cruising and standing.

  • Activity tables or play centers with supportive features for standing and playing.

Ensure that the objects are safe and free of small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Always supervise your baby during these activities to prevent accidents.

Encouraging Them with Toys

Toys play a crucial role in motivating babies to explore their surroundings and develop their motor skills. When it comes to encouraging walking, choosing the right toys can make all the difference. Here's why:

Importance of Engaging Toys:

  • Motivation to move: Colorful and interactive toys can capture your baby's attention and encourage them to reach, crawl, or take those first steps.

  • Development of motor skills: Toys that require pushing, pulling, or grasping, like trikes and scooters, help strengthen muscles and improvecoordination, which is, essential for walking.

  • Cognitive development: Toys with lights, sounds, or moving parts stimulate your baby's senses and cognitive abilities.

Types of Toys that Encourage Walking:

  • Push toys: These toys, such as a push walker or toy stroller, provide support and stability while encouraging your baby to take steps.

  • Interactive toys: Toys that make sounds, play music, or light up like our Butterfly DW - 110 when touched can motivate your baby to move towards them, promoting walking.

  • Activity centers: These toys offer various features like buttons to press, gears to turn, and objects to manipulate, encouraging your baby to stand up and walk around to explore.

By providing engaging toys that spark your baby's curiosity and desire to move, you can help them on their journey to walking confidently and independently.

Reaching Up and Down

Encouraging your baby to reach up and down is a fun and effective way to strengthen their leg muscles and improve overall mobility. When your baby reaches for objects at different heights, they engage various muscles in their legs, enhancing their ability to stand and eventually walk.

Explanation of Benefits:

  • Strengthens leg muscles: Reaching up and down requires your baby to use their leg muscles to support their body and maintain balance.

  • Enhances coordination: Reaching for objects helps improve coordination between the arms and legs, which is crucial for walking.

  • Stimulates cognitive development: The act of reaching for objects helps your baby develop spatial awareness and problem-solving skills.

Activities to Encourage Reaching:

  • Place toys on low tables or shelves within your baby's reach to encourage them to stand and reach for the toys.

  • Use colorful and engaging toys like our Teddy DT - 160 to motivate your baby to reach up and down.

  • Offer praise and encouragement when your baby successfully reaches for an object, reinforcing their efforts.

By incorporating reaching activities into your baby's playtime, you can help them develop the strength and coordination needed for independent walking.

Setting Up a Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a delightful way to motivate your baby to walk and explore their surroundings. This activity encourages your baby to move around, enhancing their confidence and independence. Here's how you can set up a fun scavenger hunt for your little one:

Activity Idea:

  • Hide toys or objects around the room at a reachable height for your baby.

  • Encourage your baby to find the hidden treasures by walking around and exploring.

  • Use colorful and engaging toys to capture your baby's attention and keep them motivated.

Benefits of a Scavenger Hunt:

  • Encourages walking: The excitement of finding hidden objects motivates your baby to take steps and explore their environment.

  • Builds confidence: Successfully finding hidden treasures boosts your baby's confidence in their walking abilities.

  • Stimulates cognitive development: The scavenger hunt helps develop your baby's problem-solving skills and spatial awareness.

Suggestions for Hiding Toys:

  • Place toys under a blanket or behind furniture.

  • Hide toys in a basket or container that your baby can easily access.

  • Use toys with contrasting colors to make them easier to spot.

By organizing a scavenger hunt for your baby, you can make the learning-to-walk journey enjoyable and rewarding.

Give It a Push

Introducing push toys to your baby's playtime can have numerous benefits, including building confidence and balance as they prepare to take their first steps. Push toys provide support and stability, encouraging your baby to practice walking while having fun.

Benefits of Push Toys:

  • Builds confidence: Push toys give your baby the support they need to take steps, helping them feel more confident in their walking abilities.

  • Improves balance: Push toys require your baby to maintain balance while moving, which helps strengthen their core muscles and improve stability.

  • Encourages independence: Push toys allow your baby to explore their environment independently, promoting a sense of achievement.

Safety Tips for Using Push Toys:

  • Choose push toys that are sturdy and stable to prevent tipping over, like trikes for kids with three wheels.

  • Ensure that the toy is appropriate for your baby's age and size.

  • Supervise your baby closely while they are using the push toy to prevent falls or accidents.

  • Clear the play area of obstacles and hazards that could cause tripping or stumbling.

By incorporating push toys into your baby's play routine, you can help them develop the confidence, balance, and coordination needed for walking while providing a fun and engaging experience.

Getting a Grip

Allowing your baby to walk barefoot or in non-slippery socks is crucial for their development. Walking barefoot helps babies develop a better sense of balance and coordination. It also strengthens the muscles in their feet and legs, which are essential for walking.

Importance of Walking Barefoot:

  • Sensory development: Walking barefoot allows babies to feel different textures and surfaces, enhancing their sensory development.

  • Muscle development: The muscles in the feet and legs are more engaged when walking barefoot, promoting strength and coordination.

  • Balance and coordination: Walking barefoot helps babies learn to balance and coordinate their movements more effectively.

Avoidance of Walker Use:

  • Safety concerns: Walkers can be dangerous as they allow babies to move quickly and reach hazardous areas. They can also delay the development of walking skills.

  • Developmental impact: Walkers may interfere with the natural development of walking, as babies rely on the support of the walker rather than developing their balance and coordination.

By encouraging your baby to walk barefoot or in non-slippery socks, you can promote healthy development and help them gain confidence in their walking abilities.

Climbing the Stairs

While climbing the stairs is a developmental milestone, it comes with safety concerns that need to be addressed.

Safety Concerns:

  • Stairs pose a risk of falls and injuries for young children.

  • Lack of supervision can lead to accidents.

Suggestions for Safe Stair Climbing Activities:

  • Use a baby gate at the bottom and top of the stairs to prevent access when unsupervised.

  • Teach your child to climb stairs safely, holding onto the railing and taking one step at a time.

  • Always supervise your child when they are near stairs.

  • Consider installing a carpet or non-slip treads on stairs to reduce the risk of slipping.

By implementing these safety measures, you can help your child safely navigate the stairs and develop their physical skills.


Encouraging your baby to walk is an exciting and rewarding journey. Remember to cruise along furniture, support their trunk, give them something to hold onto, and encourage them with engaging toys. Additionally, help them reach up and down, set up a scavenger hunt, give them a push with push toys, and let them grip the floor by walking barefoot or in non-slippery socks. Climbing stairs can also be a fun and beneficial activity, but always ensure safety first. Most importantly, be patient and allow your baby to progress at their own pace. 

Celebrate each milestone and enjoy watching your baby's walking journey unfold—it's a special time for both you and your little one.