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  • Sulbha Bathwal

    I've trusted the brand, Funride Toys, for my boy's journey so far. They have amazing quality products and he gets so excited every time he sees his favourite trike. It's his favourite after school pastime and he can ride for hours.

  • Gunjan Mehra , Gia's Mom

    Funride Toys have given so many pleasurable memories of Gia's childhood. Really love their designs and variety of colors. Most importantly, they have made sure that all safety measures are taken, so as a parent, I don't have to worry about Gia hurting herself.

  • Layeba Mirza

    I recently bought Funride Swing for my toodler, and she loves it! Really safe for her as well, and her giggles always make my day. Thanks Funride!

  • Jasmeen Kaur

    Funride Toys have an amazing catalog, my kid can never choose one. We truly trust their product quality and at such an affordable price. What's best is that it comes with fast delivery. So my child doesn't have to keep waiting.

  • Sunaina Anand

    Highly recommended brand... they are so good! in fact, if you want to spoil any child with lovely rides or toys, just trust Funride Toys, and you are sorted. Extensive catalog and safe products... what else does a parent need.

Toys Diaries

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How Can I Safely Tow My Child's Tricycle To My Normal Bike?

Biking with children can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's essential to prioritize safety at all times. One common question parents have is whether they can safely tow their child's tricycle behind their adult bike. While the idea might seem convenient, it comes with significant safety concerns that must be addressed. In this blog post, we'll explore why towing a baby tricycle is not safe and discuss alternative methods for biking with your child that prioritize safety. Remember, the safety of your child should always come first when biking together. Biking with children can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's essential to prioritize safety at all times. One common question parents have is whether they can safely tow their child's tricycle behind their adult bike. While the idea might seem convenient, it comes with significant safety concerns that must be addressed. In this blog post, we'll explore why towing a baby tricycle is not safe and discuss alternative methods for biking with your child that prioritize safety. Remember, the safety of your child should always come first when biking together....

What are the steps to make your baby walk?

Celebrate each milestone and enjoy watching your baby's walking journey unfold—it's a special time for both you and your little one....

What is the Difference Between a Bicycle and a Tricycle?

Whether it's a child's first taste of independence or an adult's leisurely ride through the park, bicycles and tricycles hold a special place in our hearts and continue to be popular choices for riders of all ages....

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Dash baby ride is a online baby toys manufacturer in Delhi, India, where every creation is infused with love and crafted to spark joy in the hearts of children worldwide. With a dedication to quality, innovation, and safety, we're committed to providing families with the finest toys that inspire imagination and nurture development.

We take pride in our reputation as trusted baby toys exporters, delivering quality craftsmanship that meets quality standards. Our each toy undergoes meticulous design and testing to ensure durability, safety, and endless hours of enjoyment. Our commitment to excellence has earned us recognition as a leader in the industry, trusted by parents and caregivers around the globe.

As passionate baby toys exporters, we're dedicated to spreading smiles and creating magical moments for children everywhere. Through our seamless export processes and commitment to timely delivery, we ensure that the joy of our toys reaches every corner of the India. Whether it's a gift for a special occasion or a cherished addition to a child's playroom, our toys bring happiness and laughter wherever they go.

Explore our collection today and experience the difference that quality craftsmanship and innovation can make in your child's life.